Dark green label with “ICG-Sample” where the grade
would go. Teletrade was the first major auction house to accept
ICG coins and this sample was pedigreed to them to give out
at shows. The back of the label is blank with the hologram on
the left hand side.
ICG 1.1

This sample must have been made around the same time period
as ICG 1, since the coin date, type and label description is
the same. The only difference is th pdigre to wgauctions. I
have never heard of them as an auction company or eBay id.
ICG 1.2

Made about the same time period as the previous two samples,
this one has the same year from the State Quarter series but
with no pedigree to a company, and instead has the denomination
in the lower left hand corner.
ICG 1.3

The same date and mintmark Kennedy half is used for this sample,
but it has the pedigree to G.R. Tiso.
ICG 1.4

Pedigreed to the “Luxor Hotel-Casino” this sample
also has a 1971-D Kennedy half inside.

Same label type as ICG 1 with “Delaware Quarter”
in large letters below.

“ICG-Sample” remains where the grade would be,
but the State is written in smaller letters and the word “Quarter”
is removed.

“Sample” is taken from the front of the label and
placed on the back. “Quality you can see” which
is used on many samples from here on out is placed below the
second line. Mr. Barlow said 200 of these samples were made
for his company.
ICG 4.1

Made during the same time period, this sample has a Connecticut
quarter with the word “Sample” below “Quality
You Can See.”

Made for the 2001, ANA Atlanta show, these were given out at
the YN breakfast and on the back says “courtesy of coinland.com”
on the white stripe.

Quality you can see is placed on the front without “
” on either side. “Sample” is on the back
of the label and the white strip across the back of the label
is blank.
ICG 6.1

This sample was made for Leonard Albright Numismatics with
his pedigree (L.A.N.) below "quality you can see."
The word sample is on the back of the label, and all 250 of
the ones produced have the 2000-D Massachusetts State quarter.

Earlier slab from 1999 and is similar to ICG 3. The back label
is blank.
ICG 7.1

Much like ICG 6, but labeled under ICG 7 since it has the same
pedigree to collectorusa.com
ICG 7.1.1

The font on this sample is a little smaller and not as bold
as the previous one. It was produced in 1999, one year prior
to ICG 7.1.
ICG 7.2
This slab has a numerical grade unlike the previous two sample,
but still has the regular 1-10 digits where the serial number
should go. The back has a more bold website name with a differnt
type font used than the regular www.coinclub.com samples. The
person who owns this particluar sample said he received it as
a free promotion since he was one of the first 100 people to
register on ICG's website. It appears that only 100 of these
were made.
ICG 7.3

An early State quarter sample made within the first 2 years
of ICG's existance.
ICG 7.4

Another slab with a website on it. Made for www.cheapslabs.com,
they sell mostly cheap slabs as the name implies
through their website. They are still in business today but
ICG hasn't made a sample for them for a few years now.
ICG 7.5

This sample has the same early State quarter as the previous
samples, and has the pedigree for Cameo CC on the label. The
slab was made circa 1999-2000.
ICG 7.6

Pedigreed to J&D Coins.

This is the mother of all ICG sample slabs. It was produced
by ICG for Lucent Technologies when the Intercept shield was
first introduced in the ICG slab. The intercept shield was supposed
to protect the coin from harmful gasses for over a 100-year
time frame. This slab was made as a test for the lab to test
in their chambers. The shield passed and ICG has been using
it ever since in their slab if you choose to pay a little more
for the intercept core. “Sample” is across the front
where the grade would go and “Interceptor ……Test”
is below.
Once the intercept shield came out, ICG made samples to show
what the shield looks like inside a slab. Using a 2000-D Lincoln
Cent, they made tons of these samples and three varieties now
exist. The front label is the same on all three and the difference
can only be seen on the back. Large hologram and no white stripe
on ICG 7.
ICG 9.1

No white stripe across the back label, but with a smaller hologram
on the left hand side.
ICG 9.2

Small hologram like ICG 9.1, but a white stripe has been added
to the back of the label and the phone number placed on it.
ICG 9.3

This is an interesting sample promoting the Intercept Shield
technology. Instead of a Lincoln Cent, a Louisiana quarter is
placed inside and the label gives the Intercept website in bold
letters. Although the coin is dated 2002, these samples first
appeared in late 2004.
ICG 10

This slab was made for a specific coin club that ICG attended
(Denver Coin Club). Two types are known with the intercept shield
slab and both are from Colorado, ICG’s home base. “Sample”
is written on the back label.
ICG 10.1

Pueblo Coin Club sample slab.
ICG 11

A bunch of samples were made in 2001 and 2002 for specific
coin shows and the most common is the San Jose, CA show samples.
500 were made for each show and this one is from January of
ICG 11.1

Central States 2000 show slab. This slab is cracked across
the front, which makes the picture look funny.
ICG 11.2

This sample was passed out at the June, 2001 Santa Clara coin
show and has the word "Sample" on the back with the
number #053 of 500. All 500 samples of this type should have
the same Rhode Island quarter inside.
ICG 11.3

The word "sample" is on the back of the label. This
type does not have #00 of 000 on it like the later Santa Clara
samples do.
ICG 11.4

Below "ICG" is the number of slabs produced and this
one is "167 of 500". The show's website is now placed
below the pedigree "Fall show 200".
ICG 11.5

This sample was produced in 2002 for the ANA Jacksonville show.
ICG 12

Hallenbeck Rare Coins is located in Colorado Springs, CO about
a block away from the American Numismatic Association. They
have several types of sample slabs, but I only have pictures
of two right now. I have seen a sample with a 1999 SBA dollar
and a few other State quarters than the two listed here.
ICG 12.1

2001-D North Carolina Quarter sample slab.
ICG 13

New dealers and collectors that submitted 5 coins or more for
the first time to ICG, would receive a free pedigree State Quarter
with their return submission. There is only one made, but the
word Sample is listed on the label. I would imagine hundreds
have been made over the years, but I will only list one unless
the label changes.
ICG 14

Numismatic wholesalers sample slab. “Sample” is
written on the back of the slab.
ICG 14.1

Numbers 1-10 are added above the barcode with the website still
placed on the front of the slab.
ICG 15

Mark’s Coins sample slab. I have no clue where he is
located or the history behind the company. I’ll admit
I haven’t spent more than 5 minutes looking for info on
the company though.
ICG 16

Neat slab. A barcode is both on the front of the label and
the back on the white stripe.
Premier Investments sample
ICG 16.1

Made during the same year as ICG 16, and with the same layout
of the slab label, this one has a pedigree to a dealer who I
have never heard of before.
ICG 16.2

ICG 16.3

Similar to the above samples since they were made around the
same time period, this type has the State’s name below
“ICG”. Monaco Financial had them made and passed
them out to prospective clients.
ICG 17

Here is a neat sample slab. If you present “this holder”
to the ICG table, they will give 10% off that submission. There
is no coin inside and most people probably just threw them away
since there is no real “value” to the slab. Several
types exist from different shows and this one is from the 2002
NY ANA Summer convention.
ICG 17.1

Prior to the ANA shows is a non ANA sponsered coin show in
the same city usually the weekend before. This sample was produced
and distributed at that show by ICG and probably in smaller
numbers than ICG 17 because of the smaller size of the show.
ICG 18

This is a controversial slab of whether it should
be considered a sample or presentation slab. Keith Love went to
the University of Texas and gave a talk to the numismatics class
that is held there. At the end of the talk, he gave out samples
of the companies slab and is pedigreed to the Fall 2002 class
with “University of Texas” where the grade would go.
50 of them were made and they are scarce today since nearly all
the students have moved on and kept the slab.
ICG 19

This is similar to ICG 11, but there are enough
differences to make it it’s own slab number. The Lincoln
Nebraska Coin Club celebrated their 500th meeting on July 10th,
2003. ICG made a sample slab for the historic event and each member
received one. It has a 2003 Sac dollar and is “Compliments
of the Coinery” as stated on the back of the label.
ICG 20

ICG got into the casino chip slabbing about 2 years ago. There
was an uproar among the traditional chip collectors who got
together and decided to not do business with any chip dealer
that sells slabbed chips. Samples were still made, but no one
really liked the idea and it has since not caught on. “Sample”
can be seen in the bottom left hand corner on the front of the
slab. The website www.coinclub.com is listed on the back of
the slab, with the white stripe below.
ICG 21

ICG came out with a “flag design” label after the
tragic events of the last few years. ICG 21 is from “The
New Silver Dollar Show” with 2000 of these slabs made.
ICG 21.1

This is the same type of label as ICG 21, but was made for
the Front Range Coin Club by ICG. I don't know how many were
made, but probably not many and getting one may be tougher since
nearly all of the members are locals who will want to keep their
slab because they were "Compliments ICG" (on the back
of the label). This type does not have a # made, but does have
the exact date on the front which makes it very easy to tell
when it was produced.
ICG 22
The latest flag label sample from ICG. Keith Love taught at
the ANA Advanced grading class during the second session of
2003. He had a sample slab made for each student and instructor
(total of 33) with a graded MS-68, 2001 Sac dollar inside. The
label was from a special spool that they did not use on any
other slab since it was a test spool. You can see the difference
in ICG 21 and this one, since ICG 21 does not show the green
ground with the crowd below. The label is darker in color than
ICG 21 and the flags are more pronounced.
ICG 23

A sample from www.coinland.com
ICG 23.1

Same label type, but with a State quarter inside.
ICG 23.2

This is a neat sample that was given out by www.coinland.com
and has their pedigree on the front. Instead of a normal dime
or quarter, it has a buffalo nickel which makes it more attractive
and would most likely be kept by non sample slab collectors.
The back has the word "sample" above the white stripe.
ICG 23.3

Same slab and label as ICG 23.2 but the slab features the coins
reverse facing towards the front! They either made two batches
of these or just didn't pay attention when they were slabbing
a few of them. This is the only one I have seen of this type
this so far.
ICG 23.4

This type has the 2001-D Lincoln cent just like the Intercept
shield Lincoln cent samples. It is in a normal ICG slab with
the pedigree to www.coinland.com. “Quality you can see”
is below ICG.
ICG 23.5

A 2000-P Lincoln cent replaces the 2001-D, and the “quality
you can see” has been removed.
ICG 24

This slab dates back to 2001 and has the "ICG-Sample"
like the 1999 sample slabs, but with "Quality You Can See"
below which started roughly during 2000. www.coinclub.com link
is on the back and the white stripe appears below the smaller
ICG 25

During the 2003 ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, CO
ICG made up samples for Brian Fanton (the instructor) for the
"Adventures in Numismatics" class which was a beginner
class for the wives of coin collectors. I don't know how many
were made, but I know there were less than 20 students enrolled.
A neat sample with a pedigree to the instructor and a specific
ICG 26

This type is similiar to ICG 18 and was also made for the University
of Texas numismatic class taught by Dr. Lane Brunner. 22 of
them were made by ICG and passed out by James Taylor after his
talk. The slab dosen't have the date like ICG 18, but it was
made for the 2003 class and has a smaller mintage than the previous
years slab.
ICG 27

This sample was made for my website by ICG. They were kind
enough to put the website on the label and 150 were produced.
The coin is an Irish Penny dated 1968 in Mint State condition,
and carries a neat story. The story is that they bring good
luck when given as a gift at the end of a business deal. As
a result of its large size and neat look, I picked the coin
to put in the sample and too give after someone has purchased
a sample from me. The word "Sample - not for resale"
is on the back of the label on the white stripe. I do not sell
ICG 28

Sometime in Februrary 2004, ICG changed the label color to
a more aqua green color. You can compare it with the sample
above to see the difference. This is the first sample from the
April 2004 Bay State coin show to have this new type of label.
The back still has the white stripe with the website to www.icgcoin.com
ICG 29

This sample and ICG 29.1 were made for a class at the 2004
ANA Summer Seminar. They were passed out by the instructors
to the students to show them what a slab looks like. 20 of each
type were made and the word “Sample” is on the back
of the label.
ICG 29.1

This class was taught by Dr. Lane Brunner and had about 15
middle school teachers as the students to help them with ideas
on how to bring numismatics into the classroom. The word “Sample”
is on the back of the label.
ICG 30
Two types of samples were given out by ICG at the 2004 A.N.A
Convention. Both types have a 2004-D Peace Medal nickel with
the flag label type of insert. This sample has the Intercept
shield around the nickel.
ICG 30.1
This sample is very similar to ICG 30 but does not have the
intercept shield. “Not for resale” is on the back
of each slab.
ICG 31

This slab has the pedigree for the Long Beach, September 2004
coin show. The back of the slab has the word “sample”
above “Not for resale” and www.icgcoin.com.
ICG 31.1

This sample and the next sample were made in 2004 for slightly
smaller shows. Usually 40-100 are produced for these size shows.
I am not sure on the number of actual samples that were made
for either of them at this time. This one is pedigreed to the
2004 Bay State Show.
ICG 31.2

2004 Portland ANA.
ICG 32

“Quality You Can See” is placed back on the front
of the slab, and is again in a smaller font. This sample was
passed out during the Fall, 2004 Long Beach show and several
other regional conventions.
ICG 33

The Omaha, Nebraska coin club celebrated their
800th meeting on Dec 17th, 2004. To commemorate the special event
samples were made with the new Keel-Boat Nickel both in P&D
mintmarks. Several dozen samples were made of each mintmark for
the members attending the event.
ICG 34

For the Fall, 2005 Long Beach show ICG produced a special sample
slab with the newly released “ocean view” nickel.
The label is the type used for the “Westward Journey”
nickel sets. 200 of these samples were produced and they were
all given out at the show.
ICG 35

This sample was made for the 2005 Baltimore show. 45 of them
were made and passed out at the ICG booth.
ICG 36

Pedigreed to the 2006 FUN show. 200 of them were produced.