Green label with “sample” above “FA 00 NGC.”
The green label variety is harder to find than the following
NGC 2 with a brown label.
NGC 1.1

This sample along with NGC 1.2 has a proof dime inside. NGC
1.1 has a 199999-000 serial number and the NGC 1.2 has a 204782-000
serial number. Both are slabbed PF-65 and choice for the grade.
NGC 1.2

Both this sample and NGC 1.1 have a clear sticker towards the
bottom which says "Oak Tree 1-800-367-4727" followed
by several State abreviations. I assume this was a major dealer
who passed them out to clients.
NGC 1.3

The serial number begins with 145 instead of 199.
NGC 1.4

"NGC" is removed from after "FA 00"
NGC 1.5

This green label sample slab with a half dollar inside suprised
me at first. There are several brown label kinds known, but
only one type with the green label. The coin is graded with
"NGC" following after the grade. The serial number
is 199998 - very similiar to the Peace and Morgan dollar samples.
The main difference is the "8" at the end of the number
and not a "9". This slab is the first one known of
its type but is serial # 009 meaning there are at least 8 others
out there!
NGC 1.6

The next few samples came from a dealer hoard. The dealer was
from New Jersey and had several hundred of the fat boy samples
in Proof and Mint State. The serial numbers are either different
or the label is green with the same number sequence as the later
brown labels. This sample has the same label placement and serial
number as NGC 2 but has the green color label meaning it came
before NGC 2.
NGC 1.7

“NGC” follows after the grade.
NGC 1.8

“NGC” is removed.
NGC 1.9

Very similar to NGC 6.1, but with a green label. It has the
same submission number which is interesting and this type deserves
more research. NGC either used the same numbers for different
batches of coins, or the label color quality fluctuated that
much (which I highly doubt).

Brown label with the same lettering and wording as NGC 1.
NGC 2.1

The difference in this label is the lack of "NGC"
after "FA 00". What makes this particular slab neat
is the original sticker from a dealer who gave these out to
customers back in the early 90's. It is not required to have
the sticker to qualify as NGC 2.1, but does make the slab more
sought after.
NGC 2.2

A different beginning serial number means
this sample was made in a seperate batch of samples than the
two above ones.
NGC 2.3

Serial # 145534 with a 1963-D Roosevelt Dime inside.
NGC 2.4

Same serial number as NGC 2.3 but this type has “NGC”
removed after the “FA 00”. The date is also different
on this coin compared to NGC 2.3.
NGC 2.5

This sample has the same serial number (199999) and label layout
out as the Morgan and Peace dollar sample slabs, but this type
has a Roosevelt dime inside.

Green label slab. This is most likely a dealer sample since
the coin is not a cheap item and would have been very costly
to give out at one show.

Brown label with the same numbering as NGC 3. The Peace dollar
samples are hard to come by and the few that have appeared on
eBay start out at $140 or more and have brought as high as $200
depending upon the slab number.
NGC 4.1

A Rare slab! I seldom use the word Rare but this one warrants
that word. I have only seen 3-4 total so far with the Morgan
dollar inside instead of the Peace dollar. The label is very
similiar to NGC 4 but has "199999" beginning in the
serial number. This one is graded MS-60, but like most of the
Peace dollar samples is really a nice MS-63 coin today. Only
one of these samples has ever appeared on eBay (April, 2004)
and it brought a little over $200.
NGC 4.2

This sample is just like the above sample but the label has
the MS-63 grade and not the standard MS-60. The serial number
is from the same batch of samples and the Morgan has the same
date and mintmaark. I don’t know how many are graded MS-63
compared to the MS-60 type since this is the first one discovered
(October, 2004).

Similar to NGC 3 and 4 since this slab was also a dealer’s
sample, but was made to catch your eye. It has a 1982 silver
commemorative half-dollar inside and is a nice example. Dealers
did hang onto this kind of sample and some still have their
original examples today. The lower the serial number the better,
but any serial number will do for a sample slab collection.
NGC 5.1

A proof silver commemorative half-dollar is placed inside this
sample instead of the Mint State example. A few differences
from NGC 5 are a bolder text and “NGC” being added
after the grade.
NGC 5.2

Instead of the brown label NGC 5.1, this sample has a light
green label. The serial #’s are the same, and it was probably
made around the same time period as NGC 5.1. As you can see
modern proof grading has changed and this coin could easily
make PF-68UCAM today.

Made during the same time period as NGC 5 and 5.1, this sample
has a Steel cent inside. MS-64 and MS-65 grades are known for
both varieties. Text is not bold like NGC 6.1.
NGC 6.1

Text is bolder than NGC 6 and “NGC” is added to
after the grade.
NGC 6.2

At the same time the steel cents were made, NGC produced a
sample with a war nickel. The font on the label is only known
with the lighter writing but there might be fonts similiar to
NGC 6.1 out there with a war nickel in them.
NGC 6.3

The serial number on this scarcer slab is 191578 whereas NGC
6.4 has 199999. Thats the only difference between the two. If
you can find samples like either of these you should pick them
up as proof dimes are much harder to find in NGC sample slabs
than the normal Mint State dimes.
NGC 6.4

Both this sample and NGC 6.3 are graded PF-65 but today they
would grade higher. I think NGC was either really tight on the
coins during this time period or more likely just gave them
all a minimum grade regardless if they were PR-65 or PR-67.
NGC 6.5

Same label type but with a different serial number.
NGC 6.5.1

Different serial # and also graded PR 65 with “NGC”
added after the grade.
NGC 6.6

This sample has a different serial number also and "NGC"
has been removed after the grade.
NGC 6.7

Same batch number as NGC 6 and NGC 6.1, but with a Roosevelt
Dime. The grade is below the word “sample”.
NGC 6.8

1999999 serial number in the same text format as NGC 6.7.

A really interesting sample, and the first type with a barcode
on the front of the label. “Sample”, “FA 00”
and “NGC” all appear on the same line and the whole
font is in bolder lettering like NGC 5.1 and NGC 6.1. The coin
is a G-04 Liberty nickel, but NGC designated it as “Circ.”
with the denomination to the right.

This sample was just recently discovered and is believed to
be the first NGC sample slab to ever have a world coin in it.
Although it is not graded, it has a Mint State 500 Mark coin
inside and is really impressive in size, yet cheap enough to
pass out at shows. I don’t know how many were made, but
I have only seen 3-4 of them since they were first discovered.
NGC 8.1

This sample slab has the same type of label as NGC 8, and also
has a world coin inside, although from a different country.
It would appear that these samples were given by NGC to attract
the world coin collectors and potential submitters.
NGC 8.2

The label is the same as the previous two examples, but this
variety has a Swiss copper coin inside. This is the first sample
I have seen with this type of coin inside and is #044, meaning
there are at least 43 other ones out there possibly. I assume
there is at least 100 samples made for this type, but uncertain
how many actually survive. The number might surprise us all.
NGC 8.3

This sample has the light green label and a 199999 serial number
which was used on the Morgan and Peace dollar samples of the
same time period. The coins in these samples are nice Red or
Red Brown examples and usually grade MS-64 to MS-66.

The label is similar to NGC 7 with the sample placement of
the words and the bolder text. NGC put Roosevelt dimes back
into their sample slabs again by the time this one was produced.
NGC 9.1

“NGC” is removed from after “ Sample FA 00.”
NGC 10

“NGC” added to the front of the second line instead
of the end like NGC 9.
NGC 11

The slab is now changed to a smaller type and the fat slab
is gone. Easily seen with the indent below the label, which
was supposed to keep the gasses from the label away from the
coin, which was a problem with the earlier slab. Same type of
label and coin, but with a smaller slab.
NGC 11.1

Same serial number as NGC 11, but the date and mintmark are
different. NGC might have used several different dates for this
same serial numbered sample.
NGC 12

Same type of slab as NGC 11, but a proof Roosevelt dime is
inside. “Sample” appears on line 2 but no grade
or FA 00 is included.
NCG 12.1

This is the same label type as NGC 14, but with a Proof dime
inside. I decided to list it under the NGC 12 section since
it is from the same time period and has the same type of coin.
I don't think this was a dealer sample like NGC 14 was. This
is the first combination label and coin like this that I have
NGC 12.2

This sample has the designation “Cameo” beneath
the date. An Ultra Cameo sample also might have been made that
is still waiting to be discovered!
NGC 13

Another dealer sample slab with two types of label variations
known. This one has the large hologram across the back of the
slab and “FA00” is next to the word “Sample.”
NGC 13.1

This one is very similiar to NGC 13, with the only difference
being "FA 00" removed and the word "sample"
placed in the center of the label. The same date and denomination
leads me to believe both types were produced within a short
time of each other.
NGC 13.2

This sample has the addition of "NGR" in the first
line, and it is believed to stand for Not Graded. No one knows
how many were made of this type and it wasn't until 02/04 that
this variety was found by Jim Moore. There must be more out
there, and they just have to be found.
NGC 13.3

This type was actually made before NGC 13 because the slab
has the large hologram and the fat slab (fat boy) type. The
label placement is very similiar to NGC 13 but can easily be
told apart because it is missing the seal below the the slab.
NGC 13.4

This sample has the same type of label and slab as NGC 13.3
but has a smaller, less bold font and the coin is dated 1965
(40% silver half dollar)! It is unknown how many were made but
this is the only sample from all the companies to have a 40%
silver half dollar inside.
NGC 13.5

Another 40% silver Half Dollar sample slab with a 1969 date
and a different submission number than NGC 13.4.
NGC 14

Similar to NGC 13, but enough changes to get its own number.
Sample is moved to the lower left portion of the label and the
serial number is moved over to the right. The back of the slab
has the smaller, square hologram with the NGC/ANA logo.
NGC 14.1

Prior to the State Quarter sample slabs NGC made a sample with
the same label placement as NGC 14, but put a 1998-D quarter
inside. The coin is a nice Mint State piece and the few examples
I have seen all have the same date and mintmark.
NGC 14.1.1

This sample has the same date and mint-marked coin as the previous
sample, but the serial number on the slab is now 577861.
NGC 14.2

The serial number on this slab is 215303 which is different
than NGC 14.1. It came from a different batch of samples made
at a separate time. The coin is also a different mintmark being
a P mint instead of a D mint.
NGC 14.3

Another P Mint half dollar with a different serial number,
meaning it came from a different batch, but from the same time
NGC 14.4

Submission number 209485, with the same type of label placement.
This slab is #50 in that submission which means there are at
least 49 other ones out there.
NGC 14.5

A Roosevelt dime sample slab with the same type of label placement
as NGC 14 through 14.4.
NGC 15

Neat label! NGC made this special label for the 106th ANA convention
held in New York City (1997). It is reddish in color and has
a picture of a Lincoln cent across it. No grade or the word
sample is on the label but these were given out at the convention.
NGC 16

This is the first and earliest Treasure Trivia sample slab
I have found. I would assume it is from the 1999 summer convention
(ANA) since the coin is a 1999 Pennsylvania quarter. Treasure
Trivia is a game for YN’s by the ANA. One of the prizes
for completing the game is a NGC slab pedigreed to the show.
Usually no more than 500 of them are made and they are cherished
by the YN’s, which make them very hard to come by.
NGC 16.1

This sample and NGC 16.2 do not have the show or exact date
they were given out at on the label. I don't know which ANA
show to pedigree them to right now and hope some of you guys
(especially the YN's) can help me.
NGC 16.2

NGC 16.3

Another YN Treasure Trivia from 1999-2000 period based on the
slab type but I am unsure exactly what show it can be attributed
NGC 17

2001 ANA Summer convention in Atlanta, GA. “Sample”
appears below “Y.N. Treasure Trivia.”
NGC 18

From the 2002 Convention in New York. It features
a 2001 New York Quarter and NGC no longer shortened “Y.N”
but spelled it out leaving no room for the word “sample.”
NGC 18.1

From the other 2002 ANA show. It has a different
label layout and "Young Numismatist" like NGC 18, has
been changed to "YN" allowing the date to fit all on
one line.
NGC 19

From the 2003 ANA convention in North Carolina.
The label is again changed and it seems like NGC does not look
at the previous years examples to keep the labels consistent.
NGC 19.1

This sample is very similiar to NGC 19 and was
given out during the same year, although at the 2003 ANA Baltimore
summer convention.
NGC 19.2

A P mint Quarter instead of a D mint like NGC
19.1. It has the same pedigree to the YN Treasure Trivia like
the above sample.
NGC 20

The first NGC sample slab with a State Quarter. The state appears
where the grade would be and Sample is placed on the bottom
left hand side.
NGC 20.1

The same label and quarter as NGC 20, but the coin is now flipped
around with the reverse side up. It seems that this kind is
more readily available between the two types.
NGC 20.2

The word "Delaware" is not on the label even though
it is a Delaware quarter. This type was probably made before
NGC 20 but since it wasn't found till after NGC 20.1, it will
be designated as NGC 20.2. A few of these have surfaced on ebay
in the last few weeks and it appears that a dealer had some
in inventory and decided to sell.
NGC 20.3

Very similar to NGC 20.2 but this type is missing the P mintmark
on the label even though the coin was struck at the Philadelphia
Mint. NGC must have done this batch of samples very quickly
and forgot to put the mintmark.
NGC 21

2001 GSNA (Georgia State Numismatic Association) sample slab.
NGC 22

Indiana sample slab. The same type of label exists for Illinois
and Alabama quarter sample slabs.
NGC 22.1

This sample, and the following next two have the same type
of slab label but have different State Quarters, and different
serial numbers then NGC 22.
NGC 22.2

NGC 22.3

NGC 22.4

NGC 22.5

An Alabama quarter with a different serial number then the
previous four samples.
NGC 23

A Euro sample slab. The last type of sample produced before
the label was changed on July 1, 2003. 50 of these samples were
NGC 24
On July 1, 2003 NGC came out with a new label and reverse hologram
while still using the same slab mold. The label now has the
NGC website on the front and the grade is in bold (Sample in
bold on sample slabs). I have seen two of these samples so far
after the 2003 ANA Summer Convention and both are labeled as
a D quarter, although one is clearly a P mintmark. More mechanical
errors like this may be out there.
NGC 25

Starting August 18, 2003 NGC once again changed their label
after a month and a half. The website was removed
after some people complained about it being tacky. The old "Numismatic
Guaranty Corporation" was put back, but the type font for
the grade and other info was kept the same as NGC 24. These
were given out at the Sept, 2003 Long Beach show and either
have the latest Missouri quarter inside or the Alabama quarter
like NGC 24.
NGC 26

This sample and NGC 26.1 were made by NGC as test samples with
less than 10 made of each type. NGC was testing other coins
instead of the normal State quarters that they do, but decided
not to make any available yet for shows. The coin inside is
Mint State condition and the slab is a really neat sample. Besides
the previous Euro sample, there hasn't been a world coin in
a NGC sample slab for years.
NGC 26.1

Same label type as NGC 26, but with a 1 pence copper coin inside
instead of a 2 pence.
NGC 27

This sample was made for the ANA class "Coins in The Classroom"
which was a class taught by the ANA right before the FUN show
for middle school teachers. 33 of these samples were made and
passed out to the teachers and students to show what a slab
is. The pedigree is above the word "sample" in bold.
NGC 28
This is the exact same label and coin as NGC 25, but with the
newer ANA hologram on the back. The old logo was replaced with
the newer star and circle design the ANA adopted in 2003 and
in late 2003 the NGC slab changed as well.
NGC 29

This sample was made along with NGC 30 for the 2004 NGC FUN
show lunch. It has a German Euro coin and has the newest hologram
on the back. I saw a box of at least 50 and over 40 people attended
the lunch. A neat Euro coin.
NGC 30

In 2003 NGC unveiled the large multi-holder slab and it has
been extremely popular ever since. This is the first sample
of it's kind and has a pedigree to boot! 50 of them were made
for the 2004 NGC FUN lunch and have a complete set of 2003 state
quarters from the Philadelphia Mint inside. I expect these to
be a very popular samples in the future for their size, pedigree
and scarcity.
NGC 31

This sample was made for the Central Florida Coin Club Young
Numismatists and has the pedigree on the label in a short version
to find within the contraints of the slab. 40 of them were made
and given out to the YNs during the end of 2003 for exhibits,
articles and participation in the club.
NGC 32

This sample was made for the YN giveaways at the 2004 Winter
ANA show in Portland, Oregon. 200 of them were made and each
has the pedigree to the show and the "YN Treasure Trivia."
NGC 33

Ohio State quarter in a Cameo CC pedigree slab.
NGC 33.1

This sample has the new Jefferson nickel with the Peace Medal
design reverse. 200 P mint samples, and 200 D mint samples were
made by NGC for Cameo CC, a modern coin dealer based in Ohio.
NGC 33.2

Same label type and coin as NGC 33.1, but the word "sample"
is removed. I have been told that the word "sample"
was removed after serial # 56 for some reason, for only the
P Mint samples. The D mint samples of this type all have the
word "sample" on them. A neat error!
NGC 34

35 of these samples were made for the ANA Summer Seminar and
has the pedigree "2004 ANA Summer Seminar" on the
label. These were given out in the "Coins in the classroom"
class. The class was comprised mostly of middle school teachers
to teach them how to bring coins into their class discussions
and get the kids interested in numismatics.
NGC 34.1

This sample was also made by NGC for the 2004 ANA summer seminar’s
Collecting Error Coins class. 20 of this type were made, and
each one has an off center Lincoln cent with a special flag
label. The pedigree to the class is at the top of the label
with the date of 6/26-7/02/04 below. This is the only slab that
I know of that has this type of label.
NGC 35
This is the first sample to be made with the newer large hologram
on the back of the slab! NGC won the contract for the PNG endorsement
in 2004, and in mid July they began using the larger hologram
on the back of the slab. It has the pedigree to the "Sarasota
Coin Club" and was passed out by NGC at the July meeting
to show the members the new hologram.
NGC 36

This sample was made just like the previous YN samples for
the ANA, 2004 Pittsburgh Summer convention for the ANA YN Treasure
Trivia hunt. 500 of them were produced and they all have the
large hologram on the back of the slab just like NGC 35.
NGC 36.1

Just like NGC 27, NGC once again made samples for the ANA Coins
in the Classroom group for the 2004 class held in San Diego.
This time they used a Wisconsin quarter and produced 40 of these
samples to give out to the teachers and staff.
NGC 37

This sample has the large size hologram on the back of the
slab like the previous sample. It has the Florida quarter which
NGC has tended to use at the last few shows during 2004, probably
because their headquarters is based in Florida. The coins in
these samples have been of higher quality then usual and average
at MS-65 or higher (if they were sent in to be graded).
NGC 37.1

This sample has a Michigan P quarter inside. There is a large
size hologram on the back of the slab. This sample is also known
with a Maine quarter using the same serial number.
NGC 38

This sample was made for the 50th anniversary of the FUN (Florida
United Numismatists) coin show. The show was held in Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida. NGC made a special sample slab with the clubs orange
color, with the name and anniversary on the label for them.
As an added bonus the designer of the Florida quarter, Ralph
Butles, signed the slabs since he was at the show. 2,000 of
them were produced and signed by the artist.
NGC 39

This is an interesting sample. In January of 2005, NGC introduced
a blue label slab for companies. They could pay a fee and have
as much text as possible on the label. The idea was for the
companies to give these slabs out to clients. I consider the
other companies slabs like this an “Advertising slab”
and NOT a sample slab since they are advertising their business
and not NGC. On the other hand, this slab pictured above was
made by NGC to promote NGC, and is a sample slab. It has several
neat things about it. It has NGC’s website, e-mail and
1-800 number all on the label. These were produced for the 2005
FUN show, and several hundred were made.
NGC 40

California State quarter sample slab that was given out during
the 2005 ANA Winter show in Kansas City, MO.
NGC 41

Like previous YN sample slabs this type had a production of
500 pieces. They were distributed in the ANA YN Treasure Trivia
game at the 2005 ANA Winter show and have the pedigree on the
NGC 42

2005 ANA San Francisco “YN Treasure Trivia” sample.
500 were made like previous YN samples.
NGC 43

This sample was made by NGC for the 2006 FUN convention. The
theme was “Rocking into 2006” and the $1 Somalia
guitar coin fit that theme perfectly. 500 of these were made,
and each morning 100 were passed out to the first collectors
who registered at the FUN booth.
NGC 44

Like the previous year, NGC made a multi holder sample slab
for the Registry and Message Board Luncheon they hold each year.
50 of these were produced and passed out to those in attendance.
NGC 45

NGC 46

Like previous YN Treasure Trivia slabs, this one was made for
the Atlanta ANA show that was held in April of 2006. 500 were
produced but not all were given out I was told.
NGC 47

NGC’s YN Treasure Trivia samples for the 2006 Summer
ANA show were made a little different than previous years. They
do not have pedigrees to the show and instead of one type of
state quarter, three different ones were used: Florida, Maine
and Alabama. Each type has the same beginning serial #’s.